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Sunday, March 19, 2017

Is Your Property Ready to Spring Forward?

It's the first day of spring (woo hoo!) and if Mother Nature is cooperating in your part of the world it's time to check out the winter damage and start your annual spring maintenance duties.

Sometimes the hardest part is knowing where to start. Windows, chimneys, roofs, foundations??
The good news is there are reliable professionals and resources that are at our finger tips serving up some great advice to get the process started. We've found several great checklists to assist:

Photo credit:

Bob Vila has a very good comprehensive list of 15 Spring Home Maintenance Musts (click here) along with tips for each.

Photo credit: HGTV

A list with a few different, yet important items, was created by certified master inspector Dwight Barnett for HGTV's site (click here).

Photo Credit: Strategies Online: Home Improvement
Definitely a common theme with all and perhaps one of the most important items is your roof maintenance. A big investment that definitely deserves the care as the seasons change. Be sure to check out these 8 Spring Roof Maintenance Tips to increase your roofs lifetime and efficiency.

We've waited all winter for this...let's roll up our sleeves, check off our lists and welcome Spring with open arms!

Do it Once. Do it Right.™

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