SPAX Website

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Decking The Show Halls

Recently we attended the Remodeling Show and Deck Expo in Baltimore and what a time we had!
We met new friends, reunited with old ones and drove a heck of a lot of screws, to welcome some new SPAX fan contractors!

With over 5,000 participants of all the latest and greatest products, SPAX® was proud to be selected as a feature product and "game changer" of the show with Matt Risinger's Build Show.

As a long-time, high quality builder, Matt and his crew uses only the best products for his projects and we've been thrilled to have been part of his "team" for quite some time now.

Matt Risinger's next project requires some BIG SPAX help!

So when we were approached with the opportunity to work with him again and spread the SPAX gospel, we jumped at the chance and declared "let's roll...the camera's"!

Doing test drives and demos for the crowds

Check out the full video of all the "Game Changers for Decks" that Matt Risinger features, including all the SPAX highlights, click here! (SPAX segment: 7:45-11:05)

For the full SPAX® line up, check out our contractor site at

Do it Once. Do it Right.™

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